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Glen Hueys Illustrated Guide to Building Period Furniture : The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide by Glen Huey read online book DOC, MOBI


Build the Classic Furniture of Your Dreams If you're a woodworker, it's a good bet that you have admired certain examples of classic furniture. What furniture maker hasn't entertained the thought of building a tall clock, a chest-on-chest, or a secretary? Who hasn't stood in front of a highboy or a blockfront chest and thought, "I wish I could build that!" Well now you can! In this book and DVD, you'll find five exquisite examples of classic American furniture that you'll be able to call your own. These beautiful pieces incorporate time-honored joinery, graceful proportions, and eye-catching details. And there's no need to feel daunted by the challenge of making them. Hundreds of photographs take you through the building steps, while carefully rendered drawings and cutlists take the mystery and math out of the work. The accompanying DVD - a treasure trove in itself - includes full-size plans and in-depth instruction on shaping cabriole legs, mitering sticking, and other techniques you'll be able to add to your arsenal of skills., This book is the ultimate guide to building high-end period furniture. Master craftsman Glen Huey packs so much knowledge and instruction between these covers that woodworkers will feel like he's standing right next to them in the shop. Highlights include:*A bonus DVD with real-time demonstrations of key furniture-building techniques!*Clear, concise instruction--complete with step-by-step photos and full-scale, pull-out drawings--to answer all the important questions*A breathtaking selection of projects worthy of the Antiques Roadshow--everything from a Federal Secretary Bookcase to a Kasper clockWith all this information at their fingertips, woodworkers will finally be able to build the heirloom furniture they've been dreaming about!

Read online book Glen Hueys Illustrated Guide to Building Period Furniture : The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide by Glen Huey in FB2, EPUB, TXT

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