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Download Online Law : The Software Publishers Guide to Electronic Commerce in PDF, FB2


How to open and market a massage practice, retain clients, and handle the financial and legal aspects of the business are just a few of the topics covered in this comprehensive guide to a career in massage therapy. Addressing the practical day-to-day as well as the formal components of running a business, this guide provides candid, grounded advice from 50 massage practitioners. Beginning with an overview of the profession, this handbook offers a thorough orientation to the business with specific advice on ethics, professional associations, governmental regulations, licensing laws and zoning requirements, insurance coverage, and sources for equipment and training. How to professionally handle clients who seek sexual massage or are survivors of abuse, the challenges unique to male massage professionals, and the politics of massage are also addressed., The Internet is changing the way people communicate and the way companies do business. At the same time, it is transforming the law. Whether you buy or sell goods and services online, publish information via the World-Wide Web, exchange messages via e-mail, electronically distribute digital content, or make payments online, you will be faced with new legal questions that are challenging businesses and attorneys alike. Written for the layperson, but extensively annotated for the experienced lawyer, Online Law provides clear guidance through the rapidly developing law of electronic commerce. Based on sound legal principles, this comprehensive handbook draws on the extensive knowledge of experienced attorneys at the forefront of today's emerging online legal issues., This comprehensive legal guide, edited by a prominent attorney in the online world and endorsed by a leading software organization-the Software Publishers Association-covers the most compelling issues faced by online users and service providers. Online Law is a complete guide to the body of laws that govern issues such as computer fraud and crime, copyright infringement, defamation, liability, and the right to control information access and distribution. It gives clear guidance for transacting business on the Net to both online vendors and consumers. Electronic contracts, taxes, buying and selling goods, making payments, and liability for information are covered in depth.

Thomas Smedinghoff - Online Law : The Software Publishers Guide to Electronic Commerce in DOC, FB2

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